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Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School

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Voluntary Contributions

Aquinas continues to rely on the support and generosity of our parents in making an annual voluntary contribution to school funds.  We fully appreciate that this may not always be possible, particularly in the current climate. These contributions help us provide many valuable opportunities for our pupils and the school community. Currently the suggested donation is £130 per eldest child and £100 per sibling.

Gift Aid

A significant amount can also be raised by means of the “Gift Aid Scheme” which we would also encourage taxpayers to support.  This is a means by which the School can claim back monies from Inland Revenue at no extra cost to the donor.

Please fill out the gift aid declaration here 


How to Contribute


  1. Direct Debit


Bank Details

Account Name                  Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School Trust Account

Sort Code                            93-86-55

Account Number              03928420


  1. Ipay Impact

If you are not registered for Ipay Impact instructions on how to do so are below:

Ipay Impact Instructions 

Click on the annual voluntary contribution fund and follow the instructions.


  1. Cheques

Cheques can be made payable to ‘Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School Trust Account’ and posted or delivered to the school office.



Going forward annual contribution funds on Ipay will be set up each tax year (April to March). This is to enable us to claim gift aid in a more efficient manner.