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Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School

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Religious Education


To develop an insight and interest in areas of knowledge, belief and thought central to an understanding of the modern world. 

To enable students to discuss, debate and critically evaluate contemporary religious ideas. 

Provide opportunities which allow students to investigate and speculate about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life. 

To foster an interest in and become enthusiastic about religion and its relation to the local community and wider world. 

To equip young people with many of the skills needed in further and higher education and the workplace. 

To develop critical evaluation skills and the ability to construct logical and convincing arguments.




Year 8 -10 pupils follow the Fully Alive Programme. 

Topics in Year 8:

  • Our School badge
  • The Aquinas Chaplaincy   
  • The Bible
  • The World, Life and Ministry of Jesus
  • Reconciliation.

Topics in Year 9.

  • Creation and Environment
  • The Reformation and Christianity today: Anglican, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches
  • Morality
  • The World of Judaism
  • The Orthodox Church and Icon making.

Topics in Year 10.                                                                      

  • The Muslim faith and practice
  • Sanctity of life
  • Justice In Action

In the final term of year 10, Mark’s gospel is introduced to our students as a skill building exercise to prepare them for GCSE.



At KS4 Religious Studies is a compulsory subject.  All students follow the CCEA specification.

Year 11 – St Mark’s Gospel (Unit 5)

Topics covered:

  • The Identity of Jesus
  • Jesus the Miracle Worker
  • The Teachings of Jesus
  • The Death and Resurrection of Jesus
  • The Role and Nature of Christian Discipleship

Year 12 – Roman Catholicism: Ethics (Unit 4)

Topics covered:

  • Personal and Family Issues 
  • Matters of Life and Death – 
  • Developments in Bioethics
  • Contemporary Issues in Christianity
  • Modern Warfare

Each student will sit one module at the end of year 11 and another at the end of year 12.  Each module is worth 50%.  There is no coursework or controlled assessment in Religious Studies.



Religious Studies is also offered at AS and A2 level.  

Students will sit an examination on each module at the end of year 13 and again in year 14.

The areas of study are:

Acts of the Apostles


An Introduction to Acts of The Apostles

The Context of Acts: The background to the Acts of the Apostles; The Characteristics of the early Christian Community

The Beginning of the Church: Early events in Jerusalem; The missionary activity of Peter and John

The Growth and Expansion of the Church: The role of Stephen and Philip, The role of Peter

Paul the apostle: Paul’s Conversion and Missionary Journeys; Paul’s Speeches Themes in Selected Letters of St Paul

Paul’s Letter to the Galatians: the social and historical context of the letter; Paul’s teaching to the Galatians

Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians: The Issues arising in Corinth; Christian moral living

Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians: The Background to the Letter; the main themes of Ephesians.

Synoptic Assessment: controversy in religion, controversy between religion and state, reconciliation.            

Religious Ethics


Deontological approaches to moral decision making

Teleological approaches to moral decision making

Life and Death Issues

Developments in Bioethics Moral Theory

Global Rights (1) : The Nature of Rights

Global Rights (2) : Sexual Identity and Gender Justice

Global Issues (1) : War and Peace

Global Issues (2) : Justice Law and Punishment

Synoptic Assessment: Conscience, freedom and Tolerance


As part of the Enrichment programme sixth form students are offered the opportunity to take part in the Cephas programme. This is a faith formation programme for post 16 students at Catholic schools in Down and Connor.  It is an accredited programme with many outreach opportunities 

It provides our young people with opportunities to develop the necessary key skills for social and personal living. Some of these include:

* awareness of themselves as individuals of integrity and importance

* ability to particiapte and succeed in the world of work

* contribute to society as responsible citizens

relationship and communication skills

awareness of and responsibility for care of the environment.