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Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School

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Physical Education


Physical Education in Aquinas develops pupils as contributors to society by:

1. Providing opportunities for pupils to work effectively with others through a range of practical situations which require co-operation, creativity, problem solving, planning and teamwork.
2. Understanding ethical issues related to sport and physical activity. For example, drug misuse, disability in sport and gender issues.
3. Recognising and using a code of conduct that promotes sportsmanship and fair play.
4. Appreciating and respecting the range of abilities and their impact on participation and in leading a healthy lifestyle.

Physical Education in Aquinas develops pupils as contributors to the economy and environment by:

1. Providing practical opportunities for pupils to develop their personal skills and competencies in preparation for future training, education, or employment
2. Encouraging pupils to take on different roles in practical tasks. For example, performer, choreographer, leader, coach, official.
3. Accessing and using sporting and recreational opportunities in the local and wider community.
4. Recognising the influence of the media in sport and physical activity.
5. Being aware of the employment opportunities within health and leisure.
6. Recognising the relationship between physical health and well-being and how it can influence the economy.

To contribute to the curriculum objectives during Key Stages, in Aquinas, we want our pupils in Physical Education to:

1. Know (knowledge and understand)
2. Be able to do (skills)
3. Be like (attitudes and dispositions)


Gcse Ccea AS and A2 WJEC


Overview of Key Stage 3 curriculum

  • Increase pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills through frequent and regular participation in a balanced programme of Athletics, Games (invasion, fielding/striking and net/wall), Gymnastics, Swimming
  • Practise, refine and develop skills and specific techniques and use these with consistency.
  • Experience, monitor and understand a range of short-term effects of exercise on the body systems including cardiovascular and muscular-skeletal systems.
  • Monitor and evaluate their own activity levels over a period and plan how they can fulfil the activity recommendations for health.
  • Develop their knowledge of safe practices and procedures when taking part in sport and physical activity.
  • Develop the skills and capabilities required to analyse and improve their own and others’ work.
  • Develop the skills and capabilities required to work effectively with others in tasks which require co-operation, creativity, problem solving, planning and teamwork.




Key stage 4 Physical Education

Statements of Requirement for Physical Education at Key Stage 4

Pupils should be enabled to plan and participate in a regular, frequent, and balanced programme of physical activity that:

• develops their interests and talents.
• extends their knowledge, understanding and skills; and
• contributes to, and helps sustain, a healthy and active lifestyle.
• evaluate their own performances and that of others
• recognise and manage risk and apply safe principles and procedures before, during
and after physical activity.

• experience and understand different roles within a range of physical activities; and know how to access sporting and recreational opportunities in the local and wider community.




Component 1: Factors Underpinning Health and Performance

This component covers:
• the body at work.
• health and lifestyle decisions.
• the active leisure industry.

External written examination: 1 hour 15 mins 25%

Component 2: Developing Performance

This component covers:
• developing physical fitness for performance; and
• developing skilled performance.

External written examination: 1 hour 15 mins 25%

Component 3: Individual Performances in Physical Activities and Sports

Students perform three physical activities or sports from the Ccea list supplied. Plus an observational analysis in one sport.
Controlled assessment 50% 



The WJEC AS and A level in physical education provides a coherent combination of four areas of study:

1. Exercise physiology, performance analysis and training
2. Sport psychology
3. Skill acquisition
4. Sport and society

Any of the areas of study can be assessed in any of the units. The content can be assessed in units 1 and 3 as part of the written examinations and in units 2 and 4 as part of the analysis and evaluation of performance. The specification enables learners to understand the interrelationships between the areas of study and apply them in a variety of contexts.

Quantitative Skills
Quantitative skills will be assessed in units 1 and 3 as part of the written examinations and in units 2 and 4 as part of the analysis and evaluation in the non-exam assessment

AS Unit 1
Exploring physical education
Written examination: 1¾ hours
24% of A level qualification (60% of AS qualification)
72 marks
To assess all AS subject content
Question types
Contextualised questions to include multiple choice, data response short and extended answers.

AS Unit 2

Improving personal performance in physical education
Non-exam assessment
16% of A level qualification (40% of AS qualification)
48 marks
To assess practical performance in one activity as a player/performer and as a coach or

1. Practical performance as a player/performer
Learners must demonstrate and apply the relevant skills and techniques for the sport/activity. All activities should be played under competitive/formal conditions.
2. Practical performance as a coach
Learners must plan and deliver a coaching session as part of a training programme.
3. Practical performance as an official
Learners should be the main official in their chosen activity in a competitive situation. Activities that are acceptable for assessment as an official can be seen in Appendix B.
Assessment as a player/performer or official coach must be in one of the activities in Appendix B approved by Qualifications Wales
4. Personal Performance Profile
The personal performance analysis must be of the chosen practical activity. It must be underpinned by appropriate theoretical subject content and provide learners the opportunity to demonstrate quantitative skills.

A level Unit 3
Evaluating physical education
Written examination: 2 hours
36% of qualification
90 marks
To assess all A level subject content
Question types
A range of questions to include data response, short and extended answers.
A level Unit 4
Refining personal performance in physical education
Non-exam assessment
24% of qualification
60 marks
1. To assess practical performance in one activity as a player/performer, coach or official
2. Investigative Research


The Aquinas Physical Education Department alongside staff members who volunteer is committed to offering a variety of extra-curricular activities and clubs wherever and whenever practicable.

Please refer to the extra-curricular chart for after school clubs for details.